Meet Nancy

Realtor & Founder of The Haas Group

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

A Personal Note from Nancy

Dear visitor,

I’m so glad you’re here and welcome to my site. I know you have a busy life so let’s get to some specifics about me at a glance:

  • When I say I’m an area expert it’s not just because I have sold a lot of homes in my 20+years. I have personally lived in every area I serve in seven different homes over those 20+years. I know the best plumber, where to get your hair done, and which dog vet to use.

  • Unlike most Realtors, I serve the suburbs and the city but currently live in Philadelphia.

  • I call myself the “air traffic controller of the Real Estate world!” It takes 181 steps (I counted) for me to get you to the closing table! Now multiply that by several transactions going at once. I know how to land transactions safely!

  • In the late 90’s I moved to Italy for almost a year to see what they know, with a small dog named Miso-happy. In the end I came home figuring out what I know.

  • I met my recent husband while I was texting on Madison Avenue! #foundlovetexting

  • I’m an award winning indie film maker under a different name.

  • I created 6 tools that set me apart from my competition. 20+ years is a lot of rubber to the road. Ask me what a “reverse offer trigger” is!

  • I asked my friends for adjectives to describe me: resilient, creative, tenacious, warm, vivacious, enthusiastic, charming, insightful and champion brisket maker (my husband said that).

  • The best way to know me is to meet me! Let’s talk and get going.

Why Work With Us?

We are a carefully curated team that is well versed in a wide variety of markets, including Luxury, Rural, Urban, Short Sales, Foreclosures, Investment Properties, Rehabs, and Restorations. We have a brain trust of knowledge we draw off every day, distinguishing us from the average realtor. We provide vital services in today’s market, with a marketing team, transaction specialists, seller’s and buyer’s specialists, and comprehensive and proactive customer service to keep our client’s informed every step of the way.

We proudly sign our name to every transaction.


Words We Live By


To provide the best real estate transaction that our clients have ever experienced through transparency, honesty, and a dedication to fulfilling their needs.


To be the leading Real Estate team with a sterling reputation for guiding our clients through a complicated process with grace and ease. To contribute in a manner that serves to improve our industry every day.


Community, Family, Business


Service: To hold our client’s best interests first and foremost.

Excellence: To use all our available resources to ensure our clients are receiving the best possible advice and guidance.

Integrity: To remain true to our core values of honesty and responsibility.

Accountability: To own our actions and decisions.

Teamwork: The whole is greater than the sum of our parts.

Legacy: Our good choices today will lead to a better future for everyone.

Efficiency: To achieve the best results in the shortest time possible.

Ingenuity: There is no one right way. Each idea may lead to the perfect solution, regardless of the source.